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Mare e Spiagge come Discariche: L’Amministrazione di Bacoli Non Risponde? I Comitati Scrivono alla Comunità Europea

Freebacoli: Mare e Spiagge come Discariche: L’Amministrazione di Bacoli Non Risponde? I Comitati Scrivono alla Comunità Europea

giovedì 10 febbraio 2011

Mare e Spiagge come Discariche: L’Amministrazione di Bacoli Non Risponde? I Comitati Scrivono alla Comunità Europea

spiaggia poggio Spiagge sporche, mare inquinato, litorali degradati: il Comune di Bacoli non risponde? I comitati bacolesi scrivono direttamente alla Comunità Europea denunciando l’inefficienza amministrativa e lo stato di assoluta fatiscenza in cui verte il patrimonio marino nostrano.

Dopo mesi, se non anni, di silenzio politico-istituzionale, di denunce cadute nel vuoto e di promesse non mantenute, il Comitato per la Tutela della Salute Pubblica ed il Comitato del Poggio, diramano un appello ufficiale diretto all’attenzione  Janez Potocnik e Judith Merkies, entrambi europarlamentari e rappresentanti della delegazione del Parlamento europeo in Campania giunta in Regione solo pochi mesi fa per effettuare un sopralluogo presso le discariche campane.

Nel particolare Potocnik è l’attuale Commissario Europeo all’Ambiente, mentre l'eurodeputata socialista olandese Judith Merkies è stata anche l'ex presidente della delegazione del Parlamento europeo in Campania, che ha guidato la missione di Strasburgo condotta in Campania a fine aprile per studiare la situazione.

Una dura presa di posizione che giunge a seguito di ben 5 reclami e solleciti d’interventi a cui non è giunto alcun tipo di risposta fattiva e concreta da parte dell’esecutivo locale che, da molto tempo, resta silente circa la presenza di ben 14 scarichi abusivi stanti sul litorale flegreo (notizia confermata dall’ex assessore regionale all’ Ambiente Walter Ganapini) e circa le condizioni di “immondezzai pubblici” in cui si ritrovano svariati arenili del territorio.

La lettera aperta, inviata già nella giornata di ieri 09.02.2011, è stata recapitata anche al sindaco ed all’assessore all’Ambiente della città di Bacoli.

Redazione Freebacoli 


For the kind attention of: Mrs. Judith Merkies - MEP

Mr. Janez Potocnik – Environment Commissioner

Dear Mrs. Merkies, dear Mr. Potocnik,

We are writing you, from a town, Bacoli, located in the North-West part of Naples Gulf, know as Pozzuoli Gulf (N 40° 47’; E 14° 05’), because of a severe pollution problem affecting our sea and our coasts.

spiaggia 1 Bacoli is a town of about 27.000 inhabitants, very interesting not only for the extraordinary natural beauty of the area but also for of its volcanoes and especially because the region, “Campi Flegrei” is very rich of important archaeological sites, out of which we would like to remind you just three, the submerged Roman City of Baia and the City of Cuma and the recent, splendid, “Archaeological Museum of Campi FLegrei” .

In this area, in the past few years, have been spent about 250 million euro, co-financed by the EU, to restore many of said archaeological sites and to promote international tourism but, due also to several environmental pollution problems, till now results have been quite poor.

Since Bacoli is on a peninsula, we have two kinds of coasts: one, in the Gulf of Pozzuoli open to South and to East, and the other, in the Gulf of Gaeta, open to West. On this second coast, well know as “Litorale Flegreo-Domizio”, we have the very big and famous problem of “Cuma Sewage Treatment Plant” that, as you well know is, just to use an euphemism, not properly working.

Since Cuma Plant is in the Gulf of Gaeta, and since sea streams go usually towards North, this Plant should not affect very much the coasts that are located in the Gulf of Pozzuoli, that is the other side of the peninsula.

Instead, as these pictures, taken Friday February 4th 2011 at Poggio Beach witness , on said coasts there is any sort of sewage and waste arriving from the sea. Other Bacoli beaches, open to East and to South, like Marina Grande, are in the same tragic situation.

spiaggia 2Just for you to please check, it is possible even by Google Earth, using above reported co-ordinates, see Roman Ruins under this sea full of waste and sewage.

Unluckily this happens very often and, should you wish, we can supply you with hundreds and hundreds of photos and reports sent to our Authorities in the past 6 years.

We never got any reply about this big pollution problem from our Authorities and they never provided to clean any public beach (the only help we receive from our Municipality are some trucks to bring away the waste when, before Summer , we the residents of the area, roughly clean the sand).

We would like also to point out that the former Councillor for Environment of “Regione Campania”, and therefore a person very qualified, Mr. Walter Ganapini, in a meeting held in Bacoli early September 2009, publically reported that in addition to Cuma Sewage Treatment Plant, there are 14 sewerages in the Gulf of Pozzuoli going into the sea without any treatment.

As a result our coasts, even if not open to West, are always, especially winter time, full of any kind of rubbish.

From the attached pictures you can please see sewage, polystyrene in blocks and in granules, nets for mussels, sanitary towels, plastic and glass bottles, tins, plastic bags, bins, baskets, even a skeleton of an animal, most likely a dog, and so on.

Since, as said above, it is years and years we try to press our authorities to solve, or at least to start doing something for the solution of this very big and dangerous pollution problem, and since we never got any reply and no action has till now been taken, we kindly ask you, Mrs. Judith Merkies, since you have been several times in Naples as Head of Delegation for the waste problem, and you, Mr. Janez Potocnik, as Commissioner for the Environment, to intervene on this matter that is worsening year after year.

caniIt is not just a case that last August a big part of Naples Gulf was covered by mucilage. It obvious that, if they continue to put into the sea any kind of waste and sewage (see for instance the recent allegation against some managers and advisers of “ Regione Campania” for the leachate flowing, without any treatment, into the sea of Cuma ), situation can only worsen.

At least for the time being we would rather to avoid to raise a formal case of infringement of European Laws and Regulations , but we kindly ask you to please use all your personal influence and the one that comes from your position in the EU, to push our Authorities (in this specific case “Regione Campania”, “Provincia di Napoli” and “Bacoli Municipality”), not only to remove the waste and the sewage from our beaches, but also, and this is the most important point, to eliminate the cause of this environmental disaster, by closing all the sewerages that flow to the sea without any previous treatment.

Sure of your sensibility on this matter and thanking you in advance, we remain

Your sincerely,

Annamaria Varriale - Committee for the Protection of Public Health of Bacoli
Domenico Grande & Alessandro Parisi - Committee Poggio

Registered letter will follow.

Etichette: ,

4 Commenti:

Alle 10 febbraio 2011 alle ore 17:00 , Anonymous Anonimo ha detto...


Alle 10 febbraio 2011 alle ore 18:41 , Anonymous Anonimo ha detto...

Ragazzi complimentoni!!

Alle 10 febbraio 2011 alle ore 18:54 , Anonymous Stefano ha detto...

Ci sono stati cittadini che si sono adoperati personalmente per la pulizia delle spiaggie di Bacoli, il Comune promise una presenza più costante e questi sono i risultati. Le poste sono un problema singolo, dall'Amministrazione ne derivano tanti, troppi.

Alle 11 febbraio 2011 alle ore 17:51 , Anonymous Anonimo ha detto...



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